Nolvadex is a popular drug in the sports world. It is a non-steroidal agent produced by Dragon Pharma which contains the active substance Tamoxifen Citrate. It is an anti-estrogen that belongs to the group of drugs called SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). Tamoxifen is used in medicine to treat breast cancer by blocking estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells. In sports, the drug is effectively used for post-cycle therapy (PCT) after a steroid cycle.
Tamoxifen’s effects in bodybuilding
After a cycle of anabolic steroids, no matter how mild the cycle is, it is always necessary to carry out PCT. The task of PCT is to restore the production of natural testosterone as quickly as possible and maintain the muscle mass gained on the cycle. Tamoxifen will help you to restore your own testosterone production in the shortest possible time as well as keep those hard-earned gains. Taking Tamoxifen in bodybuilding allows you to remove the negative side effects from steroid aromatization. Tamoxifen is indispensable for PCT, as it allows you to restore the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis and the production of endogenous testosterone quickly. There is another option for the use of Tamoxifen in sports and bodybuilding which is directly during the cycle of steroids. Tamoxifen is used if you are using certain steroids, such as testosterone, to suppress the aromatization of these steroids and the side effects inherent in excessive aromatization, the most undesirable example of which is gynecomastia. Tamoxifen can be used when signs of gynecomastia appear, as Tamoxifen is very active in the mammary glands. When the symptoms of gyno disappear, however, another aromatase inhibitor or blocker should be used.
Instructions for use
Never use Tamoxifen after a cycle where Trenbolones, Nandrolones and Oxymetholone (Anadrol) have been used. After a cycle of these drugs, Clomid is used instead. The fact is that Tamoxifen increases the number of progesterone receptors, so you have every chance of getting all the side effects from progestin. The dosage of Tamoxifen is generally 20mg per day. As a rule, PCT with Tamoxifen is started the day after steroid use is canceled. If long esters were used in the cycle, then PCT should be started by taking into account the period of action of that steroid. For example, Enanthate is valid for 15 days after the last injection, and Sustanon is valid for 3 weeks. Thus, post-cycle therapy in this case should be started no earlier than 2-3 weeks later.
Tamoxifen side effects
The correct use of Tamoxifen does not lead to negative reactions. If the recommendations for its use are not followed, the most common side effects are headaches, loss of appetite, and visual impairment. In the Nolvadex pills section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Anti Estrogens.
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